You & Me :)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
this time round, accounting paper was awesome! i hope i can keep up till exams..hopefully i wont get lost during all in all, marketing and managerial accounting was good..but entrepreneurship was insane..all i did was used common sense to answer almost half the paper..hope i can pass!
flying off on saturday..back on gonna miss singapore! its so chaotic over at the european side..i fear for my life..HAHA! but my boyf seems fine with it..LOL!
gotta rush through projects when i come back! i'll be back with lots of souvenirs! :D hope i'll have fun there. (:
take care people!
Monday, May 16, 2011
ht and gang booked me for friday celebration and dearest cherylene booked me on wednesday night! :D hehehe!
saturday dinner with aunty & family, then sunday dinner with family! its a long birthday this time round..hehe! kinda excited for my 21st already!!! wahahahaha!
bby still thinking of what to get me....LOL! a wardrobe full of new clothes? LOL! Polaroid camera? HAHAHAHAHA! we shall see..(:
aside from all my birthday excitements, PDI individual due coming monday! and i havent really got an idea on what to do....siansss..then field work, Estee Lauder project and Naturel, followed by mid sem test.. :(
tickets are confirmed..we're flying on 11th, which is the first day of the holiday, and coming back on the 20th..(: bby doesn't seem sad anywayyyy!..LOL
gonna watch drama and research for PDI now!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
i have received my advanced birthday presentssssssssss! :D
daddy got me my LV strap! :D :D looks muchhhh better than the old one..and the old one could not even last 1 year!
received my Miu Miu pouch from mommy yesterday! :D frankly, its muchhhh uglier than the Prada pouch, and it looks freaking cheapskate... but looking on the positive side, it has 3 cards compartment in the pouch..and is the sister brand of Prada. went to view Miu Miu's website and it consoled me to see that it is really the sister brand cause the website had the Prada copyright thingy..but mommy says that when we travel in june, she'll bring me go find the Prada we'll see..
went to my aunty's house yesterday to see her new collection of bags! she bought 2 Chanel bags, 1 LV higher range bag, 1 Christian Dior bag, and 2 Chanel earrings! she spent more than $10,000! we spent hours admiring her shopping loots. hahaha!
and guess what! she bought me a Chanel earring as my birthday present!!!! :D :D :D :D freaking excited!! and suddenly the Miu Miu pouch wasn't interesting already.. LOLL! i have an awesomeeee aunty! wahahaha!
she also bought me, my mom and my sister each a bar of Chanel BATH SOAP. costs about $170!!! LOLLLL! yesterday was an insane night! hahahahahaha!
excited for my birthday! and suddenly im thinking, what she'll get me for my 21st birthday..hmmmmm..hahahahahaha!

The soaps!

My 3 advance birthday presents! :D
im a happy girl! LOL!
that silly boy of mine says he very stress, he say cause my family rich, always buy these kind of stuffs as birthday presents..LOL!!
bby, dont need stress kay! this kind of stuffs is for parents to buy de! not you! so any present from you, i'll also love it, cause its the thought that counts! :D
projects are flowing in one by oneeeee.. :(
Friday, April 29, 2011
poor bby had to wake up early to work. wahahaha!
slept till 11 plus, woke up, teevee-ed, rushed to catch the bus to eastpoint, bus-ed back, rushed to catch the bus to expo to see bby! :D all the bus catching made me super sweaty la!
talked to bby a while, went to the metro sale! bought bby a shirt from there :D
came home just in time for the Royal Wedding! so cool. entire UK is on public holiday cause of the wedding! Katherine Middleton is one lucky and veryyyyyyyyyyy beautiful commoner who went to the right school, at the right time, to have met Prince William who is now Duke of Cambridge! imagine yourself being a commoner, and suddenly you're a Duchess! many girls dream of such fairy tales..
im turning into a geek, nerd, and cleanliness freakkkk!..i studied MA, CB and Strat management today! :O although i couldn't do MA tutorial, but i read the MA textbook and notes! and i have mopped my floor twice this week, and i re-organised my table 3 times already! whats happening to meeee!!!!
gonna be shopping for the next 3 days! wahahaha! oh. the plan on me getting the Prada pouch has changedddddddd! instead, i'll be getting a Miu Miu pouch! sister brand of Prada!
since i had been a Miu Miu freak since last year, i've decided to get Miu Miu (: cost is similar to Prada, looks also similar, and mommy says that Prada's quality aint quite good cause her Prada bag had some problem.
school's gonna get worse and i can sense it now. ohmyohmy......